During Esther's nap I checked in and learned that not only was the bad orangeburg pipe running from the curb to the city main in the middle of the street, it was also running at least halfway across my lawn toward the house. It is possible that the only piece of cast iron pipe on the whole thing is a little patch they made near the house in the 1970s. So Jim, Pete & Pete will be replacing the whole thing from the house to the city sewer connection with PVC pipe, and we will be paying the full $9,000. But I am just so happy to know that these problems will be resolved soon!
Around 5 or 6 p.m. when I went out to see what progress had been made, they were finishing up for the day. They had laid the first section of PVC where the original break/ blockage had been, and connected it up to the orangeburg on both sides. They had reconnected the house to the city water line, and we could use all of our plumbing just like normal for the rest of the evening. The first thing I did was give Esther a bath and wash her hair. It took me about 30 minutes to comb out all the tangles after that, and it was a good feeling. The first thing Dan did when he got home from work was to start cleaning the kitchen counters. I put in a load of laundry, and then another. We flushed all the toilets. It was a grand feeling. Tomorrow morning they will disconnect us again so they can finish the job, but I think we'll have our plumbing back to normal again in the evening.
It is amazing how one day you can flush your toilet and it is not enough to make you feel happy and like all of your problems are solved, and then a few days later, that very same act seems like the pinnacle of joy and contentment. I have NEVER enjoyed starting the washer as much as I did tonight. If only each of you could experience this! Just kidding...
Hooray for indoor plumbing! One of the finest niceties of modern life. :-)
wow Andrea ~ what a mess and how beautiful it is to get it all taken care of!! You've inspired me to be happy about laundry (for a day or so...) :)
I am so happy for you!!!
In our much talk of what we want in a house, my only requests to Craig for the house is this: 1) Brand new plumbing. and 2) a wrap around porch.
I'm feeling your pain from experience, except my mom had a 'great' idea that we should fix it ourselves...NEVER AGAIN! Talkin' about a load of crap, well, that was a load of crap! Hope things keep going well for you!;-)
You win the good attitude prize. Hands down.
YAY!!! glad things are back on track. :)
I am so sorry about the $, but what a relief to get everything fixed and know you don't have to worry about it anymore. Yeah for indoor plumbing!!!
Three cheers for indoor plumbing!!!
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