Exhibit A:

This is the scene that greeted my eyes as I returned home from a nice long walk Sunday morning. What is it? On the left is a container with some tortilla chips in it and a sign, in Adam's kindergarten handwriting, that reads: "MOMNY EHT TUP" (translation: Put the money). On the right is one of Adam's shoes. This is Adam's version of a lemonade stand. He is hoping that a passerby will take a chip and put some change in his boot to pay for it. He spent the rest of the morning watching out the window and going outside every minute or two to check the boot for money.
Exhibit B:

After church, we came home and got into more comfy clothes. For Adam, this meant no clothes at all. Time passed. Dan called my attention to the window. There was Adam outside riding his bike in his underwear, with his sandals and helmet on. Well, at least he followed the family rules that you must be wearing shoes and head gear when you ride your bike.