Thanks to my friend LL for asking me these fascinating questions!
1. If you got a tattoo, what would you get and why? (And if you're opposed to defacing your temple, it can be a temporary tattoo...) Where on your body would you put it?
Potato Girl Answer: I would have to go for a Mehndi-style henna tattoo on my hands or feet. Here is a picture of one I especially like:

Why? For one thing, these henna tattoos can last several months, but they are not permanent. I know I would get sick of something permanent. For another, this form of "tattoo" is not injected into the skin with a needle, and thus, it does not hurt. And I think the designs are beautiful.
2. If you had a super power, what would it be? Who would be your arch nemesis? Who would be your sidekick?
Potato Girl Answer: The one super power I've always wished I had is elasticity. I think that is because I'm so frequently bumming on the couch or in my comfy, comfy, comfy bed and I don't want to move, so I wish my arm could just stretch long enough to turn off the light, brush my teeth, make some breakfast for the kids...I think you get the picture. Who would be my arch nemesis? Maybe someone who left dirty dishes and other messes everywhere? Or perhaps someone who threw brownies, ice cream, and danishes in my path, forcing me to eat them instead of pursuing my true errand. For a sidekick, I would really like a dog that would eat all the fattening food for me, clean the house, and take me on long walks. In fact, I would like a dog that looks like this little shiba inu from Japan:

3. What is your worst bad habit? What good habit are you currently working on starting or hoping to start? What thing in your life should you probably be working on but you don't really care enough to be bothered with?
Potato Girl Answer: Oh, there is such a treasure trove of bad habits to choose from. The worst bad habit that is bothering me right now is buying myself some Pepperidge Farms cookies at Target and eating seven of them on my way home, without a beverage, and they aren't even tasting that good after the first one or two, but I'm sad and mad at myself for buying them, so I just keep eating.
The new good habit that I am trying to develop is to get up each morning and take a brisk walk by myself before Dan leaves for work. I have been doing this for almost two weeks now. Yay! I wish there was something that I really don't care enough about to be bothered with, but I seem to care about and feel bothered by every thing in my life that I should be working on but am not. Some of the things that I should be working on but am not include: helping the boys do their homework and piano practice, organizing the food storage containers, and getting rid of all the stuff that is cluttering up this messy, messy house.
4. If you had a magic button, what would happen when you pushed it?
Potato Girl Answer: This one is easy. The kitchen would be magically cleaned. Or the bathroom. Or maybe the basement. Let's just say the whole house. And the car. And the yard. Just how magic is this button?
5. What would be your dream car and what would be the coolest feature?
Potato Girl Answer: My dream car would get about one million miles to the gallon. And it would run on garbage, like the De Lorean in Back to the Future. Short of that, I would like to own a Toyota Prius, which gets
almost a million miles to the gallon:

But for looks, it would have to be a classic Mustang.

Now, if you want me to ask you five questions, which you will post on your blog, here is what you need to do:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "I too am an autobiographer."
2. I'll respond by asking you up to five questions. You will answer them, because you like talking about yourself.
3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.