This afternoon during Esther's nap, while Eli and Adam were at school, I watched
Mission: Impossible III with Tom Cruise. Early in the show, Cruise's character, Ethan Hunt, goes to Germany to rescue fellow agent Lindsey Farris, played by Kerri Russell. When he finds Agent Farris, she is slumped back in a wheelchair, nearly comatose, her face a mess of blood and bruises. Agent Hunt pulls out this huge syringe, telling Farris that it is adrenaline, and that it is going to hurt. Then he plunges the needle into her chest. Within seconds, her eyes pop open and she transforms from torture victim on death's door to the bionic woman with catlike reflexes and a gun:

Forget the Diet Coke. Give me a shot of adrenaline.
I love the interviews with your boys, very funny! And the toy incident was very funny too. And, yeah I do feel listless, sign me up for a shot of adrenaline:)
Unfortunately current research shows that our practice of giving heart attack victims shots of adrenalin actually decreases their chances of survival. Best treatment is still electroshock treatments to the heart. What he should have done is give her a stiff dose of electricity! Dad
I'll take some of that, too! Although, the diet coke seems to work pretty well. I doubt I have bionic powers after drinking it, though. It would be nice! Then I could keep up with my life!!
Yay! You've been blogging again! I was getting all sad a few months ago because you didn't post very often. Now I get to catch up and I've been laughing my head off.
Your kids are so adorable. I want some, too! Buuuuuut I think I should finish some more school, first. Sigh!
Hey Kamis, great to hear from you. Sorry I didn't blog for so long...I'm definitely back doing it again, though. I wish we lived close to each other...I'd loan you my kids any time! And they'd love to hang out more with their Aunt Kamis.
I just love reading your blog. I love to take time out and watch a movie too. I think Adam is so funny. Your family has the best sense of humor. Thanks for sharing some of your fun moments they always cheer me up.
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