Here I am shortly after arriving at the Family Birth Center reception area. This was between contractions. I wanted to document my belly at its biggest:
Here I am in the triage room. They had just measured my cervix and told me I was an 8. Dan told me to put up 8 fingers and took this shot. I don't know why I look so happy...this must have been between contractions, too:
This is my anaesthesiologist (i.e. favorite person in the whole world). We waited for this shot until the epidural kicked in:
This is the doctor that delivered my baby. I had never met her before, but I liked her a lot. Dan had promised the boys a picture of the crochet hook they use to break my water, so here it is, moments before being put to work:
Thanks to the exquisite timing of Naomi's birth, Bug was able to be with us for the big event. The whole thing happened while all three of my older children were at school:
Here is Naomi's first photo op with her papa. She has been cleaned up and properly swaddled.
This is my labor & delivery nurse, Michele. She was the best:
Wow, you don't look very big. YOu look so cute!! I don't blame you for wanting lots of pictures. What an awesome day!!
You look adorable!!! Great job getting in there early enough for an epidural. I never managed that one. :-)
I really don't think it's fair that you only gained 9 pounds, and almost 7 of that was shed in the form of a sweet baby girl!
She's perfect. I was serious about stealing her from you. I'll have to wait until you're not looking, though.
Congrats Andrea! I'm glad everything went well and fast! We can't wait to meet her!
Big Congrats on bringing little Naomi into the world. What a sweet-pea. And you look beautiful Andrea. I am glad everything went well and that you were able to get that epidural!! I can't wait for more pics. Love to you all!
Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl! I'm so happy for you--you look terrific!
Jeez, Andrea, I have so much to live up to! At your BIGGEST you don't look very big! I'm so jealous.
Great job! I love all of the smiling pictures. YOu make delivery look so easy.
She is beautiful!!! And I love hearing birth stories. Thanks for telling yours. You guys are the best and I can't wait to get to know your little girl.
Andrea, you look wonderful. And Naomi is beautiful. Congratulations!
I don't know if I'll ever be able to crochet again without thinking of your water breaking.
Yeah for you. Good job mom! Congratulations on your new addition. Thanks for all the updates. Every birth experience is so different!
You didn't even look close to full term pregnant in that picture! Congratulations! I'm glad it went so well, she is a beauty!
She is such a cutie...send us your address! Good job mom.
So great, we're so happy for you guys!
What a cutie! And you and Dan look so happy to welcome her- congratulations!
Andrea and family! Happy New Years! Oh yes, and I hope you had a Merry Christmas too. Can't wait to meet Naomi--I hope everyone is happy and well at your home. We miss you all. Love, Nicole
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